Contemporary Split-Level Terrace – Edgbaston
This terrace was designed to form an extension of the client’s newly fitted kitchen/ entertaining space. Built in buff sawn sandstone, it brings a contemporary touch with the bi-fold doors opening onto an elegant space that has purpose-built areas for dining and seating. The rendered walls offer privacy and give an ‘outdoor room’ feel.
Carefully positioned, horizontal slots in the walls offer tempting glimpses of the spaces beyond. The raised beds hold simple but effective planting schemes and also include illuminated sculptures acting as focal points. Large planters and a stone monolith water feature also give interest to this space. A subtle lighting plan highlights key features to give a pleasing view from the property at night.
Project completed in collaboration with Avalon Landscapes & Design Ltd.
‘Melanie was recommended to us and from our first meeting she accepted the challenge of creating a modern living outdoor space. While we had a rough idea of what we wanted, her final plans exceeded our expectations. Not only did she design a stunning space for us, she also provided a plan for the best flowers and shrubs to enhance the appearance and atmosphere of the garden. We were so impressed we have commissioned further designs.’
Key Design Features

Split level terrace
Buff sawn sandstone
Rendered privacy walls
Sculptural focal points
Subtle lighting plan